Basic Flintknapping Techniques DVD

Basic Flintknapping Techniques DVD cover art
Diagram of centerplane on flint spall
Diagram of angle of percussion thinning strike
Spalling raw chert block with hammerstone
Building fire pit to heat treat flint and chert
Diagram of flint and chert heat treatment
Heat treating chert and flint using kiln
flintknapping novaculite using antler billet
notching flint spearhead with pressure flaker
targeting flake removal with pressure flaking
variety of tools and supplies to flintknapp
Basic Flintknapping Techniques DVD cover art
Diagram of centerplane on flint spall
Diagram of angle of percussion thinning strike
Spalling raw chert block with hammerstone
Building fire pit to heat treat flint and chert
Diagram of flint and chert heat treatment
Heat treating chert and flint using kiln
flintknapping novaculite using antler billet
notching flint spearhead with pressure flaker
targeting flake removal with pressure flaking
variety of tools and supplies to flintknapp



An introduction to modern flint knapping that includes information on percussion and pressure techniques, stone heating with electricity and campfire, spalling, and knappable stone types. Covers traditional and modern tools and methods. 63 minutes.

We set out to give you a strategy for reducing stone into thin preforms, applying edge retouch, notches or barbs. Spalling and fracture mechanics are explained, and metal and more traditional flintknapping tools are demonstrated for every step.

This DVD is crammed full of information and tips -- too many to be absorbed with just one viewing.

This is a great item for beginners to purchase with our Basic Flintknapping Kit.