Making Square Sectioned Axes - Digital Version - View/Stream Video Online

Flintknapping Danish Square-Sectioned Axes With D.C. Waldorf. Square-sectioned axes were the technological predecessors of the Type III and IV stitched handled Daggers. In this vintage knapping instructional video, DC explores the methods of replicating this advanced level stone tool type. Skip the shipping and stream on your device immediately after purchase for 90 days.
Making Danish Square-Sectioned Axes With D.C. Waldorf. In the late 1990s, the highly specialized techniques used in Danish axe manufacture were demonstrated by master knapper DC Waldorf and recorded by Charles Eaton. Discussed and shown, are Flake Axes, Core Axes, Pointed Butted Axes and the hafting of axes. With short segments covering Cores and Blades, Oblique-Trapezoidal and Transverse Arrow Points, Blade and Tri-sided Arrow Points, and, a not-to-be-missed wood chopping demonstration! If you liked D.C.’s Dagger video, you won’t want to miss this one! Running time, 1 hour, 52 minutes.
This video is crammed full of information and tips -- too many to be absorbed with just one viewing, so we make the stream viewable three months.
This video stream is VINTAGE and is NOT in HD quality. We did the best we could in digitalizing the originals available. The methods and instruction are not outdated. The original video was shot and edited on actual film and sold on VHS, then converted to DVD, and finally converted to a streamable format to better reach new generations. You will see reminders of it's film edited history in our streamable version, however this will not take away from the instruction. We are working to convert and preserve as much vintage flintknapping wisdom and perspectives before the paper and media it is on degrades any further. On behalf of independent authors and producers, we thank you for your support.
Stream/View video instructions:
Click the 'download/stream/play' link on the checkout page to stream and view the video immediately on the thank you/order confirmation page. You will also receive a link to the video via email. Videos can even be streamed from your device to a TV (if tv is capable). Each purchase of the video can be streamed for 90 days. Resolution of video is dependent on your internet speed. Prior to purchasing please make sure you have a device and data/Wi-Fi speeds capable of streaming video. No refunds are offered on digital content.